Jeff Weber

Selling (2) Gardner Denver PZ9 mud pumps. DC motors
Selling (2) Gardner Denver PZ9 mud pumps. DC motors

Listing ID: 1643
Title: Selling (2) Gardner Denver PZ9 mud pumps. DC motors
Model: Gardner Denver PZ-9 mud pumps
Price: on request
Quantity: 2
Condition: Used, ready to work
Location: N. Zealand
Date Posted: 2019-08-22 13:38:46


phone USA: 302-231-1880

Skype: jeffreyweber

whatsapp: 937-789-5906

telegram: @jeffweberusa


Also we do have 2 x Gardner Denver PZ-9 mud pumps. 1000hp, they were originally matched with this generator and SCR package.
They have been stacked well internally, but look a little rough on the outside at the moment. We would be happy to give them a paint and test and check out the DC motor’s on them.
They are currently fitted to skids with charge pumps, pulsation dampeners and pipe work fitted.
I have included some photos of them for your reference. The photos will come across in a couple of emails due to file size.
We have a sizeable amount of spare parts for them as well. Mainly bearings, some liners, and charge pump parts. I can supply a full list of spare late next week, when I am over at the warehouse.
Jeff Weber 302-231-1880

Selling surplus drilling, workover, well service, well test, well completion equipment? I can market your equipment and or spares to my client database of over 20.000 oil and gas professionals.
I am a broker. I work on a commission basis as an agent for the buyer or seller. Fees are only charged if I find a buyer. Equipment listings are non-exclusive. I am an agent not a trader. Your company will sell directly to the buyer who I will refer.
Contact Jeff Weber, 302-231-1880

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